Life after beta, down HIFI’s post-whitelist rabbit hole you’ll go!

HiFi Gaming Society
6 min readOct 20, 2021



Remember, after we’ve launched core services, EARN opportunities exist for HIFIVERS, our community name for HiFi Holders. HiFivers can stake HIFI to activate PLAY, EARN, and receive accelerated rewards with BOOST. As we develop more properties within HIFI’s Ecosystem, more SPENDING will emerge along with different EARNING opportunities beyond gameplay to make the HIFI economy flourish. After we have established different properties, we can work on building lifestyles around these properties for our core users inside and outside of our HiFi Verse. We are building our metaverse from our user’s behavior out into HIFI’s world!


We will open up strategic “whale” investment group for all holders. Inclusiveness wins, but the conversation in this group will be solely focused on liquidity providing, pool and farm creation, and expanding partnerships with the right tokens. Now that we have revenue forecasted, it’s important to put the revenue to use with pathways to increase total value locked in the form of pools, farms, and partnerships providing HIFI ecosystem opportunities, liquidity into new markets within and without BSC. This is an ongoing process. If we strategically grow toward a new market, odds are HIFI purchasing will be available. We need the best investor minds helping us build this long term strategy. No yield chasing. 6–12 month minimum investments giving us time to grow market cap and volume.


From here on out, you will see ongoing NFT collections launched and listed by HIFI, HIFI Artists, or cobranded streamers with existing audiences getting into NFTs. We’ll place these collections at different 3rd party NFT marketplaces we’ve established relationships with and HIFI’s brand positioning will be among top artists in crypto. Then, we’ll launch our NFT Artcade as a trophy room, marketplace, and activation center for NFT services.

Launching NFT collections will enable our ecosystem to generate revenue, establish buyback to HIFI schemas, and enable reflections for holders once our treasury is built.

How does this relate to gaming??

We need headcount power and resources for amazing gaming build outs. Once the revenue starts coming in, we’ll make our HIFI gaming platform top notch when we initiate the UX Design contest. Now that we are launching NFTs and managing NFT launches for artists, we feel there is so much to do with attracting designers and creating digital artist community, and this will begin with NFT collections, and a UX challenge to help us improve the platform experience. We want to host a contest for the best UX designers to iterate on our user interface and User Experience UX. We know it needs work and we want the community to help. There will be HIFI token and NFT prizes!


Capture your joy of gaming, passion for NFTs, and curiosity for the culture of crypto with HiFiTV embodying a 1980s MTV variety show vibe! Launching HiFi TV is enabling us to develop a video marketing arm to distribute awareness about all things HIFI, run competitions, interview and launch new NFT artists with AMAs, introduce our team, share about GameFi, DeFi, and tell you what to expect with announcements, introductions, and more!

HIFI Artistry Discovery Launchpad for streamers
(Gamers, Artists, Musicians)

We’ll become a hotspot and source for news and this will kickstart our launchpad for HiFi Artistry NFT (We’ve signed artists and working on partnering with multiple artists, musicians, gamer streamers).


Every individual attribute from our NFT collections will become part of our inventory acquirable by the users base and added into the platform virtual inventory where every user can build their character’s avatar.

You will need a full character set to activate your RSVP into our Metaverse- The HiFi Verse.


Now that our gameplay economics engine is active, we can increase reward output for gamers, continue adding new games through weekly voting, and start working toward phasing out emulated games into our retro arcade and integrating HTML, WebGL, and inter-actionable games to prepare for different consumer and corporate offerings such as……

Creating more consumer SPEND opportunities like competitions, versus mode, wager mode for betting on gaming outcomes of gamers.

Game developers community for building games on HIFI

API Build for 3rd party self service game development(List your game and earn HIFI for gamers engagement, similar like consumer reward system)

SDK for 3rd party gaming on native DEFI site. Integrate HIFI-as-a-service AKA GameFi as a service solution for DEFI products wanting to integrate Gaming into their platform but not having the value prop or tokenomics to do so. We solve this problem for them.


Here’s what else we’ll be up to in our roadmap. Exciting times ahead!

Build Treasury….we will have fees for all services feeding into our treasury

Team Growth…..investing heavily on engineering talent to accelerate development efforts.

Staking…..Introduce Token and NFT staking with yield, activation of different services, collateral for NFT membership services, including reflections and premium service offerings

(2nd Token) MetaFi Tokenomics

Crowdsource 3rd party game developers, self service games with rewards

CREATORS will create new HIFI properties operating businesses inside HIFI generating revenue, rewarded for building these businesses with HIFI. All these businesses will be making money even before we metaverse them. Then we metaverse all these roles people are playing in the community and people will build their avatar with all from all the assets you’ll see coming out on the NFT Avatars in each collection. Once you complete your avatar (must buy with HIFI) and complete Avatar to enter Metaverse. Then the real fun begins with AR. I want to be selling NFTs and activate challenges IRL at events and out there next year.

Imagine walking around with AR glasses dressed like your favorite AVATAR from HIFI, earning HIFI on the go while hanging with your favorite HiFiver’s collaborating on how to win the next challenge in your Role Playing NFT Journey. Its completely original and very intuitive where our tech is heading.


You can connect with the HIFI team across social media and the web here:

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